Perhaps I will Personally 'ppend Pretty (or Putrid) Plot-Pictures to this Periodic Post Postscript,

Today's report will not only include detection events of both Green and White Sturgeon from this past week, but will also include plots of Green Sturgeon detections. The reporting period for this last week is from last Tuesday (5/10) at 9:10 to today (5/17) at 10:00 AM PST. During that time, the real time network of 69 kHz acoustic receivers heard two Green Sturgeon and one White Sturgeon. The plots will be of Green Sturgeon that were detected for the first time within 2016 in March (Green2016Mar2.jpg) and April (Green2016Apr.jpg), as well as a plot showing the fish that have thusfar made an "round trip" upstream then downstream for spawning purposes (Green2016RT.jpg).

Both Green Sturgeon this week were detected heading downstream. The first Green Sturgeon was detected at the Knights Landing station on 5/12 after having last been seen on 3/11 at Knights Landing. It is indeterminate at this point whether this fish passed by the Colusa station at a time when detection efficiency was low or whether it diverted from the mainstem Sacramento River upstream of the Knights Landing detectors. In any case, this fish continued downstream, being detected again at Knights Landing and then the Tower and CCF bridges in Sacramento on 5/13. The other Green Sturgeon last passed by Colusa on 3/21 and was detected today at Knights Landing, leading credence to a currently suppressed detection efficiency at Colusa.

The White Sturgeon was detected 5/11 at Knights Landing, as well as the Sacramento Bridges, a downstream continuation from last week's report wherein it was at Colusa on 5/10.

As to the plots, thanks again to Lucy Huang of the UC Davis Biotelemetry Lab for collating and organizing the data.

The next report will likely be one week from today.

Have a great week,