Good afternoon sturgeon folks,

This real time update includes all detection data from 1/1/2015 through noon 6/22/2015.

Believe it or not, but the real time network detected another new green sturgeon, originally tagged in the Columbia River, this morning. This fish, GS0764, was detected at the I-80 station near Sacramento City this morning (Rkm 190). It appears that this fish may be swimming up river, but we will know for certain if it is detected at the Abv Tisdale station in the coming days! Apart from this recent detection, there have been no new detections of green or white sturgeon on any of the real time nodes at Abv Tisdale, Hood, Inside DCC, Lisbon Weir, or Middle River.

There have been a total of 23 uniquely tagged green sturgeon detected in the Sacramento River since the real time stations have been operating in 2015. 7 of these sturgeon were originally tagged in Oregon/Washinton. 5 of these sturgeon were part of the the 2011 Tisdale/Freemont weir rescue fish conducted by CDFW and UC Davis.

Of these 23 green sturgeon, only 1 has migrated down river, below the real time station at I-80 in Sacramento. The autonomous receivers will give the big picture of this fish's migration. The Richmond Bridge receivers were downloaded 3 weeks ago and this fish was detected on multiple receivers within that week.

As always, the unique ID's presented in this update are not the specific tag ID of each fish. This is to protect the identy of those fish tagged by specific researchers. The unique ID is only used in the CFTC database.



I have also included the detections for 37 white sturgeon that were detected on the real time network. These data are a few months old now, but a few colleagues have been asking for this. My colleague Tommy Agosta, from the biotelemetry lab, summarized these data. They include only detections and once again each fish has an arbitrary ID number associated with it.

Ryan Battleson
Staff Research Associate
UC Davis Biotelemetry Laboratory