Position/Affiliation: Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology
Contact Info:
- Address: Academic Surge, University of California Davis
- One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616
- Email: ea miller at ucdavis dot edu
- Phone: 530-752-3203
- Present: University of California, Davis - Doctoral Student Graduate Group in Ecology
- 2010: Columbia University, New York, NY - M.A. Conservation Biology
- 2006: University of California, Berkeley, CA - BA. Integrative Biology, minor in Conservation and Resource Studies
Research Interests:
Migratory movements, habitat use, and niche partitioning among green and white sturgeon in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento River-Delta; biotelemetry and stable isotope methodology; community ecology, behavioral ecology, and conservation.
Miller E, Nelson H, Cocherell D, Thomas M, Fangue N, Klimley AP, Cech J (in prep). Effects of tag surgery and implantation on juvenile green sturgeon incision healing and swimming performance.
Mattila J, Heck KL Jr., Millstein E, Miller E, Gustafsson C, Williams S, Byron D (2008). Increased habitat structure may not always provide increased refuge from predation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361:15-20.