Richard Corwin, Principal Investigator

Position/Affiliation: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Environmental and Natural Resources Division

Contact Info:

  • Address: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Red Bluff Field Office
  • 22500 Altube Ave. P.O Box 159. Red Bluff, CA 96080
  • Email: rcorwin at usbr dot gov
  • Phone:530-528-0512


  • 1992: University of Utah - B.S. Biology

Research Interests: Sturgeon and salmonid biology, ultrasonic tracking and telemetry, fish passage, heavy metal contamination of aquatic systems.

Recent Publications:

Corwin, R. R. and D. J. Grant. Lower Stony Creek Fish Monitoring Report, Glenn County, California, 2001
2004. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Northern California Area Office, Mid-Pacific Region. 146 pp.

Borthwick, S.M., and R.R. Corwin, 2001. Wild Fish Entrainment by Archimedes Lifts and an Internal Helical
Pump at the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant, Upper Sacramento River, California: February 1997 - May
2000, Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant Report Series, Volume 13, United States Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Red Bluff, California. 79 pp.

Borthwick, S.M., Weber, E.D., and R.R. Corwin, 2000. Travel Time and Condition of Juvenile Chinook
Salmon Passed Through Archimedes Lifts, an Internal Helical Pump, and Bypasses at Red Bluff Research
Pumping Plant, Sacramento River, California. Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant Report Series, Volume 11,
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Red Bluff, California. 51 pp.

S.M. Borthwick, R.R. Corwin, and C.R. Liston, 1999. Investigations of Fish Entrainment by Archimedes and
Internal Helical Pumps at the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant, Sacramento River, California: February
1997 - June 1998. Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant Report Series, Volume 7, United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Red Bluff, California and Denver. Colorado. 61 pp.

Corwin, R.R. and T.H. Jeffers, "Biosorption of Metal Contaminants From
Acid Mine Waters," in Proceedings of the 13th Annual Abandoned Mined Land
Conference, Lake Ozark, MO, 1991.

Jeffers, T.H., P.G. Bennett, and R.R. Corwin, "Biosorption of Metal Contaminants
Using Immobilized Biomass-Field Studies," U. S. Bureau of Mines RI 9461, 1993.
Jeffers, T.H. and R.R. Corwin, "Wastewater Remediation Using BIO-FIX Bead
Technology," in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on  
Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in Energy and Mineral 
Production, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1992 and 1993 International  
Biohydrometallurgical Symposium, Jackson Hole, WY, 1993.
Isaacson, A.E., R.R. Corwin, and T.H. Jeffers, "Arsenic Removal Using  
Immobilized Ferric Oxyhydroxides," in Proceedings of the 24th Annual CIM

Hydrometallurgical Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada ,1994.