Robert Chase, Co - Principal Investigator

Position/Affiliation: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Environmental and Natural Resources Division

Contact Info:

  • Address: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Red Bluff Field Office
  • 22500 Altube Ave. P.O Box 159. Red Bluff, CA 96080
  • Email: rchase at usbr dot gov
  • Phone: 530-528-0512


  • 2004: Mt. Hood College, Gresham, OR - A.A.S. Fisheries Technology

Research Interests: Field investigations on aquatic resources pertaining to dams and rivers throughout the Central Valley.

Recent Publications/Presentations:

2009 PWT. Fine scale detection of Vemco Positioning System in the Upper Sacramento River.

Chase, R.C. and M. See. American River Steelhead Spawning Surveys 2009.

Chase, R.C. Trinity River Underwater Observation Surveys 2007-2008.

Acoustic Tracking of Green Sturgeon Above and Below the Red Bluff Diversion Dam 2007.