Cynthia LeDoux-Bloom, DWR Staff Environmental Scientist

Position/Affiliation: Department of Water Resources

Contact Info:

  • Address: DWR-DES, Division of Environmental Services, Environmental Water Quality and Estuarine Studies, Special Studies & Research (fisheries)
  • 3500 Industrial Blvd., West Sacramento, CA 95691
  • Email:cledoux at water dot ca dot gov
  • Phone: (O) 916-376-9820
  • Phone: (C) 916-247-3443


  • 1995: San Jose State University/Moss Landing Labs-M.S. Biological Sciences Natural Sciences (Fisheries)

  • 1989: University of California, Santa Cruz- B.S. Biology (Marine)

Research Interests: Identifying the limiting factors of fishes inhabiting the Delta-Upper SF Estuary and how landscape characteristics influence watershed, estuarine, and ocean dynamics across multiple spatial scales.  Current research incorporates telemetry and DIDSON (Dual-frequency IDentification SOnar) technologies looking at anadromous fish behavior, migration patterns, site fidelity, and habitat interactions.

Recent Publications

  • LeDoux-Bloom, Cynthia and Downie, Scott T.  2008  Outlet Creek Basin Assessment Report [DRAFT].  Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program, p. 226  plus Appendices. California Department of Fish & Game, Sacramento, CA.

  • LeDoux-Bloom, Cynthia. 2005. Preliminary limiting factors and juvenile salmonid distribution in Outlet Creek, Eel River Watershed, Mendocino County, California. Salmonid Restoration Federation, 23rd Annual Conference, Fortuna, CA.
  • Downie, Scott T., C.M. LeDoux-Bloom, K. Spivak, and F. Yee. 2004.  Albion River Basin  Implementation Summary.  Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program.  California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. 
  • LeDoux-Bloom, Cynthia, M.S. Fuller, and D.R. Morse.  2004. Potential sediment sites for restoration and habitat limiting factors in the Gualala River Watershed, Mendocino County, California. American Fisheries Society, 38th Annual Conference of the Cal-Neva and Humboldt Chapters, Redding, CA.
  • Downie, Scott T., LeDoux-Bloom, Cynthia, Spivak, Katherine, and Yee, Fay. 2003. Albion River Basin Assessment Report. North Coast Watershed Assessment Program, p. 198 plus Appendices. California Resources Agency, and California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, CA.
  • LeDoux-Bloom, C. M. 2003.  Assessment of Anadromous Salmonids and Stream Habitat Conditions of the Albion River Basin, Mendocino County, California.  California Department of Fish & Game, North Coast Watershed Assessment Program, Fort Bragg, CA.
  • Klamt, Robert R., C. LeDoux-Bloom, J. Clements, M. Fuller, D. Morse, and M. Scruggs 2002. Gualala River Watershed Assessment Report. North Coast Watershed Assessment Program, 452 pp plus Appendices. California Resources Agency and California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, CA.
  • LeDoux-Bloom, C. M. 2002. Assessment of Anadromous Salmonids and Stream Habitat Conditions of the Gualala River Basin, Mendocino County, California. California Department of Fish and Game, North Coast Watershed Assessment Program, 59pp. plus Attachments, Sacramento, CA.

    Other publications can be seen on my website: (active December 2009)