Position/Affiliation: Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology
Contact Info:
- Address: 1331 Academic Surge, University of California Davis
- One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616
- Email: arhearn at ucdavis dot edu
- Phone: 530-752-5372
2001 Ph.D., Marine Biology, International Centre for Island Technology (ICIT), Heriot-Watt University, UK.
- 1997 Master of Science, Marine Resource Development and Protection, ICIT, Heriot-Watt University, UK.
- 1995 BSc Hons. Oceanography with Marine Biology, Oceanography Dept., Southampton University, UK.
Research Interests: Green sturgeon and salmonid smolt migration, juvenile habitat and ecology, MPA management and fisheries, Eastern Tropical Pacific migratory pelagics
Recent Publications
Klimley, A.P., Tu, D., Hearn, A., Brostoff, W., LaCivita, P., Bremner, A., and Keegan, T., 2009. Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Distribution in the San Francisco Estuary: 2006-2008 Interim Draft Report 62p.
- Chapman E.D., Hearn, A., Buckhorn, M., Klimley, A.P., Lacivita, P., Brostoff W.N. & A.M. Bremner (2009) Juvenile salmonid outmigration and distribution in the San Francisco Estuary: 2008-2009 Interim Draft Report. University of California Davis and US Army Corp of Engineers. 87p.
- Hearn A, Ketchum J & P Klimley. Site fidelity or hotspots? Spatial dynamics of hammerhead sharks in the Galápagos Marine Reserve (submitted, June 2009)
- Hearn A (2009) Shark Migrations – Discovering the Golden Triangle. In: T. De Roy (ed.) Galapagos – Preserving Darwin’s Legacy. Bateman Press Pp 90-97.
- Hearn A (2009) Shark movement patterns. In: P Oxford & G Watkins. Galapagos, both sides of the coin. Pp 46-47
- Hearn A, J Ketchum & AP Klimley (2009) Vulnerability of top predators to climate change and adaptation options for their coastal and pelagic ecosystems: sharks case study. In: Hoffman J et al. (eds.) Cetaceans and Other Marine Biodiversity of the Eastern Tropical Pacific: Options for Adapting to Climate Change. Report from a workshop held February 9-11, 2009. MINAET/WWF/EcoAdapt/CI/IFAW/TNC/WDCS/IAI/ PROMAR, San Jose, Costa Rica
- Zárate P & A Hearn (2008) Conservation Status of Sharks in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador. Consultancy by the Charles Darwin Foundation for IUCN. Santa Cruz, Galápagos, Ecuador, 33p (In Spanish).
- Hearn A (2008) The rocky path to sustainable fisheries and conservation in the Galapágos Marine Reserve. Ocean & Coastal Management 51: 567-574
- Hearn A & JC Murillo (2008) Life history of the red spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador. Pacific Science 62 (2): 191–204
- Hearn A & MV Toral-Granda (2007) Reproductive biology of the red spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus and the slipper lobster Scyllarides astori in the Galápagos Islands. Crustaceana 80 (3): 297–312
- Hearn A, MV Toral-Granda, C Martinez & GK Reck (2007) Biology and fishery of the Galápagos slipper lobster. In: E Spanier & K Lavalli (eds.) The biology and fisheries of the slipper lobster. Crustacean Issues, vol 17. pp 287–308