Position/Affiliation: Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology
Contact Info:
- Address: Academic Surge, University of California Davis
- One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616
- Phone: 530-752-3203/530-828-2328
- Present: Ph.D. candidate, Graduate Group in Ecology - University of California, Davis
- 2005: B.A. magna cum laude Biology - Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
Research Interests: Conservation in aquatic systems; Natural flow regimes; Hydro-ecology; Community ecology
Steel, Anna E., Julia Coates, Alex Hearn, A. Peter Klimley. in prep. Acomparison of ultrasonic telemetry positioning systems under a variety of environmental challenges.
Steel A.E. 2012. “A comparison of ultrasonic telemetry systems under a variety of environmental challenges”AFS National Meeting, Twin Cities, MN.
Steel, A.E., Sandstrom, P.T., Brandes, P.L., and Klimley, A.P. (2012) Migration route selection of juvenile Chinook salmon and the Delta Cross Channel, and the role of water velocity and individual movement patterns. Environmental Biology of Fishes DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-9992-6
Schwartz, Mark W. and The Ecology Graduate Student Project Collective. 2010. Sensitive Animals: Appendix to Natural Resource Assessment, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. National Park Service
Steel A.E. 2010. "Fine-Scale Movement of Largemouth Bass, an Introduced Predator." Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA.