Position/Affiliation: Department of Water Resources
Contact Info:
- Address: DWR-DES, Feather River Program
- 3500 Industrial Blvd., West Sacramento, CA 95691
- Mail to: PO Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236-0001
- Email:aseeshol at water dot ca dot gov
- Phone: (O) 916-376-9848
2008: California State University, Chico - M.S. Biological Sciences
- 1997: University of California, Santa Cruz- B.A. Marine Biology
Research Interests: Behavioral ecology and conservation biology of anadromous fishes particularly sturgeon; management of special status species; telemetry; habitat use, migration and holding patterns of adult spring-run Chinook and sturgeon; and community and population ecology of fishes.
Recent Publications
Seesholtz, A. 2006. A glimpse at Feather River sturgeon. 4th Biennial CALFED Science Conference, Sacramento, CA.
- Seesholtz, A. 2005. Distributional and spatial comparisons of fish larvae and juveniles in the lower Feather River, California. American Fisheries Society, 39th Annual Conference of the California-Nevada Chapter, Sacramento, CA.
- Seesholtz, A., B. J. Cavallo, J. Kindopp, and R. Kurth. 2004. Juvenile fishes of the lower Feather River: Distribution, emigration patterns, and associations with environmental variables. Pages 141-166 in F. Feyrer, L. R. Brown, R. L. Brown, and J. J. Orsi, editors. Early life history of fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and watershed. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 39, Bethesda, Maryland.