Position/Affiliation: East Bay Municipal Utility District
Contact Info:
- Address: 1 Winemakers Way, Lodi, CA 95240
- Phone: (209)-365-1467
- : University of California, Davis - B.S. Wildlife Fisheries Biology
Research Interests: My interests revolve around using sound science in implementing management actions within the Delta, specifically as they relate to the Mokelumne River. Salmonid populations within the Mokelumne River have benefited from habitat enhancement work conducted over the past decade. Currently there are a number of proposed projects within the Delta that may affect the migratory corridors used by Mokelumne River salmonids during their migration. Acoustic telemetry is one of the tools being used to identify not only the routes chosen, but environmental factors influencing the selection process. The overall goal of our program is to endure that a sustainable salmonid (Chinook and steelhead) population is maintained within the Mokelumne River.
Recent Publications
Merz, J.E. and J.D. Setka. 2004. Evaluation of a spawning habitat enhancement site for chinook salmon in a regulated California river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:397-407.
- Merz, J.E., Setka, J.D., Pasternack, G.B., and J.M. Wheaton. 2004. Predicting fry production benefits from salmonid spawning habitat rehabilitation in a regulated California river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 61:1433-1446.
- Merz, J.E., J. R. Smith, M. L. Workman, J. D. Setka, B. Mulchaey. 2008. Aquatic Macrophyte Encroachment in Chinook Salmon Spawning Beds: Lessons Learned from Gravel Enhancement Monitoring in the Lower Mokelumne River, California. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 1568-1577.