Chuck Hanson, Principal

Position/Affiliation: Hanson Environmental Inc./ Principal

Contact Info:


  • 1980: Ph.D. Ecology and Fisheries Biology, UC Davis
  • 1973: M.S. Fisheries Biology, University of Washington
  • 1972: B.S. Fisheries Biology, University of Washington

Research Interests: Salmon and steelhead migration

Recent Publications & Presentations: 1)CALFED / California Bay-Delta Authority predation workshop: Fish Losses Due to Predation at the State Water Project and Central Valley Project Delta Intakes. Romberg Tiburon Center. Presentation: “Preliminary results of pilot studies to evaluate potential losses of juvenile steelhead to predators in Clifton Court Forebay.” June, 2005. 2) Hanson, C.H. 2003. Scientific Foundation for Endangered Species Act Listing And Recovery Decisions -the Need for Good Science. 3) Hanson, C. H. 2001. Are juvenile Chinook salmon entrained at unscreened diversions in direct proportion to the volume of water diverted? Pages 331-341 in R.L. Brown, ed. Contributions to biology of Central Valley salmonids, Volume 2. California Department of Fish and Game Fish Bulletin 179.